Book Translations


The Curse of the Flores Women by Angélica Lopes

Of Cattle And Men by

Ana Paula Maia

In Perry’s visceral, understated translation…the narrative unfolds with the compulsiveness of a psychological thriller.
— The Times Literary Supplement
An agricultural reckoning of near-biblical proportions, Maia and Perry’s brusque novella stalks and swaggers with a grim piety that permeates every page. OF CATTLE AND MEN is a masterwork of visceral drudgery.
— Du Mois Monthly
Graceful and melancholic, enhanced by Zoë Perry’s subtle translation...
— Catherine Taylor, The Irish Times
If Graciliano Ramos describes the old, romantic Brazil of a century ago, Emilio Fraia describes something much more like the country that exists today—the country and people I know... The translation is excellent, by the way.
— Benjamin Moser

Finalist for the Typographical Era Translation Award

[The] translation impresses for the same reason as the novel itself: like the author, [the translators] are impeccable ventriloquists who have reproduced a voice that could never belong to anyone else, that is unmistakeable and utterly original, and they have also reproduced, equally flawlessly, the many other voices contained within it.
— Annie McDermott, Literatur
Part of the praise here, then, is due to the book’s translators, the creators of this perfectly modulated bit of high-propulsion English prose.
— The Independent

Longlisted for the Dublin International Literary Award